Project Description
The student will work on characterizing the mechanism of aggregation of proteins that are involved in neurodegenerative disease. One protein that will be studied is a-synuclein, the primary protein component found in Parkinson’s disease. Methods of characterization include fluorescence, NMR and Transmission Electron Microscopy. Students will be exposed to methods in molecular biology and will learn how to purify and express the proteins.
GPA: 3.7 or higher
Course Experience: depends on high school APs. Would take a young student.
Publications with Undergraduate Co-authors
Xiao J, Addabbo RM, Lauer JL, Fields GB, Baum J. "Local conformation and dynamics of isoleucine in the collagenase cleavage site provide a recognition signal for matrix metalloproteinases" J. Biol Chem. 2010 Oct 29;285(44):34181-90.