Our Mission

Mass Spectrometry, also referred to as mass spec, is an analytical technique becoming increasingly important in bioscience research. Our mass spectrometry instrumentation is located on the Busch campus of Rutgers University-New Brunswick. We are committed to providing state-of-the-art mass spectrometry expertise, methodology, and instrumentation to both the Rutgers community and private institutions.

Our Services

Various levels of support are available, ranging from access only, to consultations on experiment setup and data collection.

Scheduling/Billing Rates

External users, not collaborating with a PI in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, must pay a one-time training fee. Please contact that department for rates, training schedules, and more information regarding instrument booking.

Our Instruments


Located in the Wright-Rieman Laboratories

. Adjustable API-ESI (Electrospray) Ion Source
. UV2000 UV detector, P4000 LC pump and controller, AS3000 autosampler
. Pentium III 500Mhz computer, Windows® NT PC-based system
. Finnigan XcaliburTM software
. Dynamic ExclusionTM
. Isotopic Data-DependencyTM
. WideBand ActivationTM
. Normalized Collision EnergyTM
                                                                                          . ZoomScanTM

                                                                                                                  Book Here



Located in the Advanced Instrumentation Facility

. Superior separation with high-efficiency T-Wave IMS
. Ultimate UPLC-MS/MS performance
. Data independent & data dependent T-Wave IMS solutions
. CID and ETD fragmentation capabilities
. Wide range of experimental options
. Most complete characterization of complex mixtures and molecules with unique levels of MS performance
. Industry leading informatics and unparalleled platform versatility

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Xevo G2 X2 QTofXevo G2-XS QTof

Located in the Advanced Instrumentation Facility

.  Maximum robustness with no compromise in performance
. Class-leading real-world quantitative sensitivity
. Highest quality, most comprehensive qualitative information
. Flexibility to adapt to changing needs
. Accessible to experts and non-experts alike
. Identify, quantify, and confirm the broadest range of compounds in the most complex and challenging samples

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