Transfer Credit Policy
- You must seek the department’s approval before taking any chemistry courses outside of the New Brunswick campus.
- You must earn a grade of C or better in order to transfer pre-approved credits.
- Both Organic Chemistry I (01:160:307) and Organic Chemistry II (01:160:308) must be taken at the same institution
Two-Step Process of Transfer Credit
The Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology will:
1. Determine that the course in question is equivalent to a course we offer, AND
2. Sign off on a standard transfer-of-credit form from the student’s college.
An advisor in the Dean’s Office of the student’s college can supply this form. The student should obtain a copy of the form, fill it out, and submit it to the Undergraduate Chemistry Program Coordinator, Ms.
Determination of Equivalence
The student should submit a completed Transfer Credit Preapproval Form to the Undergraduate Chemistry Program Coordinator, Ms.
If the student wishes to transfer a course that has not been preapproved, the student will need to submit a completed Transfer Course Departmental Evaluation Form, preferably by email. The email should include the following information:
- Name, RUID, and Rutgers e-mail (in case we more information)
- Name of college/university at which the course was taken
- Catalog number and title of the course
- Date when course was taken
- A syllabus (list of topics or chapters in a textbook) for the course for the year or, preferably, the semester when the course was taken
- An indication, possibly from the syllabus or the college catalog, of the intended audience for the course (e.g., general chemistry science majors: organic chemistry for nursing students; non-science majors)
- The textbook (title, edition, authors)
- Total number of hours of lecture (e.g., 14 weeks x 2.6 hours/week = 36.4 hours)
- Total number of hours of recitation
- Total number of hours of laboratory
- List of experiments if the course is a lab
Once this information is received, the student will be notified with the department's decision via email.